“Plants and the name Everleaf”
When first developing Everleaf, there were lots of challenges.
Extracting the intensity of flavours I wanted, but using new techniques to be non-alcoholic; creating Everleaf’s unique texture; making everything stable.
One of the biggest challenges though, was naming the creation. I tried names that were too clever. I tried names that referenced obscure botanists or plants. I tried names that had unusual characters borrowed from other alphabets to convey the exotic, and I tried names that turned out to be already trademarked.
Things shouldn’t be complicated though, and in the end that connection to conservation, sustainable use, and getting the best possible flavours from plants by sourcing them well gave me a simple answer.
If we want the plants we use to be around forever, why not Everleaf!
That was six years ago now, and I couldn’t imagine it called by any other name. We have our “forever leaf” icon now too, the infinitely looped leaf that conveys sustainable use, restoration, recovery, regeneration (I even have the tattoo - forever!).

“Giving back is at our core”
We support plant conservation through the three branches of our sustainability strategy: how we source, how we work and how we give back. On that third branch, giving back, we already support the conservation charity where I used to work as a conservation biologist, Fauna & Flora, as well as Sea Trees, a charity that plants mangroves, seagrass and reefs.
Both these charities do amazing work that we’re proud to support, but now, we’re delighted to be adding another. One that is perfectly aligned to our plant conservation mission - Plantlife.
I’m going to share Plantlife’s mission in full as I love everything it says:
Our mission is to secure a world rich in wild plants and fungi.
Wild plants and fungi underpin the health of our environment. They can help us to resolve the climate, ecological and societal challenges which we face.
Protecting them will lead to a world full of colour, beauty and life while allowing the plants and the animals which depend on them to thrive.
It perfectly captures how plants are the building blocks for that world of colour, beauty and life - something we try to celebrate in our drinks.
As with the other charities I’ve mentioned, our donations will be externally verified by 1% for the Planet, but more than that, we hope to share lots more with you about they work they do.
Please check them out at www.plantlife.org.uk
Cheers to growing partnerships!